Meg Imintoff travels to Heidelberg in Germany to visit Professor Christian Schaaf's lab


Meg Imintoff is the talented scientist working with Professor Marnie Blewitt, and dedicating her PhD to activating the Magel 2 gene cluster in Prader Willi syndrome.

PWRFA recently funded Meg to travel to Heidelberg in Germany to visit Professor Christian Schaaf's lab where she gained first-hand experience with new tools and techniques prior to bringing them back with her to the lab in Australia. These tools and techniques are central to the next stage of her gene activation project in the Blewitt lab. 


When asked about her trip, Meg replied “I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to visit Professor Schaaf’s lab in Heidelberg. My time in the lab was an amazing experience, where I was able to learn techniques and gain skills that will be very useful to my project going forward. I am excited to pick up here where I left off there and continue moving forward with my research.”

Meg, we are glad your trip was valuable and we look forward to hearing more in the time to come. Thank you again for choosing to invest your time and skills in unravelling the complexity of Prader Willi syndrome.