Find here all the materials you need to help raise awareness for our Finding15 Walks and invite people to celebrate our community. Please click on your desired location to download.
There are a variety of ways we can work together
Share posters at your local Cafe’s, restaurants, School and Community Notice Boards.
Extend personal team invitations to your community at your kinder, school, church, community group or other.
Get the word out! Share flyers everywhere you can including facebook groups, schools, community groups, workplaces or in your local shops, libraries etc.
Share your Team Page, Invite people to register and join your team and share your progress on your social media. If you would like us to create you a facebook profile frame please email
Tag us in your posts! We love to see our community engaged and want to support all of your efforts.
Finally, share our posts, stories, updates, announcements and media coverage. We hope to have some good news stories for you!
You make all our hard work possible and we are incredibly grateful to have you on Team PWS.
Facebook or Instagram Post; Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Perth
Share this to your local neighbourhood newsletter, school newsletter, sporting group newsletter. Where-ever you can think of!