6th Asia Pacific PWS Conference - Discover, Care, Thrive
The 2024 Asia Pacific PWS conference will showcase the latest in PWS research, support and care to equip and inform researchers, clinicians, parents and families, and those working in a support role. Running over August 30 & 31, our 6th conference is being held in Sydney, Australia, at the Rydges Sydney Central Hotel.
Bringing together researchers, clinicians, allied health professionals, families and service providers from across the Asia Pacific PWS community to improve the health, wellbeing and supports for people living with Prader-Willi syndrome.
The conference features:
DAY 1 (August 30)
Stream 1: Research Day, dedicated to fostering collaboration and new insights.
Stream 2: Adults Living with PWS Programme, listening to the voices of lived experience.
The Research Day brings together international and Australian researchers, students, and families. In addition to leading international research, we will showcase Australian PWS research, which is making a significant contribution to the global progress towards finding a treatment.
The programme aims to:
Identify and address emerging issues and debates.
Strengthen research and practice.
Explore potential collaborations & partnerships across boundaries of disciplines and sectors.
Adults Living with PWS Programme offers an opportunity to hear the voices of people living with PWS - what they can teach others and what they want to achieve in their own lives.
DAY 2 (August 31)
Stream 1: Family, Allied Health and Support Providers Day aimed at equipping attendees with the latest in PWS care, support and management, and providing an opportunity for sharing experiences.
Stream 2: Residential Support Providers Programme
The Family, Allied Health and Support Providers Day is specifically for people providing support for people living with PWS. Presentations and workshops facilitated by international and national experts will maximise teaching and learning opportunities. Topics covered will include Friendships & Relationships; Positive Behavioural Support & Restrictive Practices; Avoiding Arguments & Managing Meltdowns; Support Across Life Stages – Adolescence, Adulthood, Ageing. Highlights from the 2024 International Professional Providers and Caregivers Conference will be shared with plenty of networking opportunities.
Visit the wesbite www.appws.org to register
Our speakers come from around the wider Asia Pacific region, together with several guests from the Northern Hemisphere, and are recognised as leaders in their fields. Each has a particular interest in Prader-Willi syndrome and in-depth experience in this area.
The conference will be held in person and with live streaming of some sessions, making the conference easily accessible for audiences in Australia and across the Asia Pacific. As a result of this, we are expecting to attract a diverse range of speakers and the opportunity to extend our reach to the wider PWS community.
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An Asia-Pacific PWS collaborative initiative to change life with PWS, brought to you by...